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Acas: Guidance on The Kings Coronation

By DTA/Acas | 19th April 2023 | News

Monday 8 May 2023 is a national bank holiday in the UK, following the coronation of King Charles III.

Employers should discuss and agree with employees:

  • whether the organisation will close for the bank holiday
  • what type of leave and pay will apply if employees are not working
  • the process employees should follow to ask for the bank holiday off, if the organisation is staying open

Whether an employee gets an extra day's holiday might depend on the exact wording in the employment contract. For example:

  • if the contract says all bank holidays are paid time off, this might mean an employee will get an additional day's holiday
  • if the contract just gives a total number of days' holiday each year, this might mean an employee will not get an additional day's holiday

If the bank holiday is not included in employees' holiday entitlement, an employer can decide to add it. However, they do not have to.

Get more advice and support

If you have questions about the bank holiday for the King's coronation, you can contact the Acas helpline .

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