CDO Scotland appoints three new Deputy Chief Dental Officers
By DTA | 4th August 2021 | News
The Chief Dental Officer for Scotland has announced the appointments of three new Deputy Chief Dental Officers in Scotland.
The successful candidates bring a wealth of experience to their roles, which will support the continuing remobilisation and recovery phase, as well as contributing to the development of Scotland's major programme of change in the delivery of NHS oral health care.
Zahid Imran currently works in NHS Tayside's Public Dental Service, as well as undertaking a Specialty Dentist (Restorative) role at Dundee Dental Hospital.
Gillian Leslie is a General Dental Practitioner and Practice Owner in East Lothian. She has a career background in the Royal Navy, has a special interest in Oral Surgery and is qualified in IV sedation.
Gavin Mclellan is a General Dental Practitioner in Fife, and Vocational Training Advisor with NHS Education Scotland. He has been Senior Dental Advisor in Scottish Government since 2018, and latterly, Interim Deputy Chief Dental Officer.
The Deputy Chief Dental Officers will form an integral part of the Scottish Government's network of senior clinical advisers. They will support the Chief Dental Officer, Tom Ferris, in shaping future government policy, and ensuring that ministers and senior officials receive appropriate professional advice.
The new Deputy Chief Dental Officers will be in post from the start of September 2021.