Dental care professional annual renewal opens on 13 June
By GDC | 6th June 2022 | News
Renewal for dental care professionals (DCPs) will open on 13 June.
We are reminding all DCPs of the need to meet minimum CPD requirements following two years of flexibility - supporting those who may have found it difficult to access CPD during the pandemic.
The important CPD dates for DCPs are:
- CPD year runs from 1 August to 31 July
- then four weeks to make a CPD statement by 28 August
- CPD done on or after 1 August counts towards the following year.
Find out more about annual renewal .
GDC responds to consultation on international registration
We have welcomed and supported proposals set out by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) in its consultation on our international registration legislation. The consultation closed on 6 May.
You'll find their response on their website .