Denture Loss Survey and Working Group
By DTA | 13th January 2022 | News
As part of a project to tackle the issue of denture loss within healthcare settings, Health Education England and the Office of the Chief Dental Officer want to understand current denture labelling processes.
HEE and OCDO have produced a survey to gain a better understanding of Dental Technician's experience relating to denture labelling. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey which is completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to any individual and will take less than 5 minutes to complete: Denture labelling survey
They would also like to invite any Dental Technicians who may have an interest, to the 'Denture Loss Working Group Meeting' on Wednesday the 2nd March at 4pm. Part of the discussions will centre around data labelling, with an aim to incorporate this more frequently within denture fabrication processes. We will also share national data regarding the incidence and impact that denture loss has, whilst exploring potential solutions with attendees. This is an opportunity for you to express your views and help shape the discussion regarding the issue of denture loss moving forwards.
As valuable members of the dental team any feedback or support you can provide would be essential for successful implementation of proposed solutions.
Please contact the DTA office for the agenda and Teams link if wish to attend.