By DTA | 1st February 2021 | News
What do our DTA Council members do for you? The DTA Council members are a group of qualified and experienced dental technologists who kindly give their time voluntarily for the love of their profession. Our team are committed to advancing standards within dental technology and ensuring that British dental technology is heard throughout the governments of the four countries of the UK.
With the aim of consistently voicing the views of the nation's dental technicians, it has been our constant effort and action to raise the plight of dental laboratories and dental technicians throughout this pandemic with ministers, MPs and regulators.
DTA Council members contribute in many different ways, whether it be writing technical CPD articles for DTA publications The Technologist and Articulate (with the support of our editorial team where required) or peer reviewing articles written to ensure they are accurate, relevant and meet the GDC criteria for verifiable CPD - all our CPD is verifiable.
Our DTA Council members represent the DTA at stakeholder meetings, attending the Council meetings twice a year, and have the benefit of a support network of other experienced dental technologists. Working together, the team explore and share information relating to their field of practice and/or interests for the benefit of you, the DTA membership.
Does this sound like something you would like to be part of? To gain more of an insight into the role of a Council member, and a chance to meet the DTA team prior to the Council elections (May 2021), observers are welcome to join our upcoming meeting on Saturday 13 March 2021 via video conferencing. Email your expression of interest to: info@dta-uk.org
View the election notice in our online publication Articulate and download, complete and return the nomination form by 1 May 2021.