European Dental Technician Day - FEPPD
By DTA | 4th June 2021 | News
For Dental Technician Day
FEPPD, is the largest representative body for Dental Laboratory owners and Independent Dental Technicians in Europe, is proposing to dedicate an event to be held on every calendar year, in all E.U. states, for the promotion of our profession as service providers to the European dental Patient. The Dental Technician Day is to be celebrated every 1st Friday of June.
They starting back in 2018 and are now the platform from which they intend to promote our profession in modern technological applications, for the direct attention of the dental patient. The ultimate goal, being that of exposing our trade, profession and services, which until now most dental patients are not aware that it is the Dental Technician that provides for their new functional dental device and the confidence that comes with perfect aesthetic solutions to every individual.
They are therefore inviting all interested organisations across Europe, to prepare well ahead of the 4 June 2021 deadline, for this activity that is meant to reach out to the general public in various media forms.
FEPPD is not imposing any fixed set of rules as how each national organisation celebrates this Dental Technician Day in his country.
The DTA welcome any opportunity to raise awareness of the work that dental technicians do and the FEPPDs aim with the European Dental Technicians Day is exactly that. They are planning a unifying event for our profession across Europe. What can you do to help raise awareness of the importance of UK dental technology? Save the date and start planning now.
A few suggestions:
- A voluntary Open Day at Dental labs or Dental Prosthesis Schools to the general public offering live demonstrations.
- Photographic and Video exhibitions illustrating the manufacturing of dental devices, both traditional and hi tech processes.
- Conferences to the general public, reception points in public places, (railway stations, shopping centres and hospitals).
- Information adherent to different solutions available, with special reference to advice to the elderly in the proper use and maintenance of their dental prosthesis.
- Media interviews and articles on prominent journals.
- Social media, distribution of flyers.
To find out more about European Dental Technicians Day click here .