NHS dentistry and oral health update - February
By DTA | 16th February 2022 | News
The latest NHS Dentistry and Oral Health update with link to a letter and updated FAQs on vaccination as a condition of deployment for healthcare workers. These include detail on recruitment and recommendations for any formal processes which may have already begun and information on a consultation regarding changes to the General Dental Council's international registration legislation.
Changes to the General Dental Council's international registration legislation
The Department of Health and Social Care, on behalf of the UK government and the devolved administrations, is seeking views on proposed changes to the General Dental Council's (GDC) international registration legislation.
The aim is to provide these regulators with greater flexibility to amend their international registration processes by removing prescriptive detail about how such processes should operate from legislation.
The consultation also amends the GDC's legislation to protect candidates whose opportunity to sit Part 2 of the Overseas Registration Exam (ORE) within 5 years of first attempting Part 1 (as required by GDC regulations) was lost as a result of restrictions on the operation of the exam resulting from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
More detail on the consultation can be found online here .
Respond by clicking here . This consultation closes at 11:45pm on 6 May 2022