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GDC Consultation opens on their strategic plans for the next three years

By GDC | 7th July 2022 | News

The GDC are seeking your views on their strategic plans for the next three years.

They have set out their plans for public protection at a time of considerable uncertainty for dentistry and the UK. GDC strategy provides a framework for how they plan to manage uncertainty while furthering their ambition for a flexible and responsive regulatory system that:

  • maintains dental education and training standards
  • promotes high professional standards in practice
  • supports the registration of those who meet our standards
  • provides public protection if a dental professional falls short of expectations.

GDC core functions are their priority

GDC strategic priorities are to keep building effective prevention strategies and operating a proportionate system for resolving concerns, to further their ambition to shift the balance from enforcement to prevention. They will focus on their core functions and make improvements where they can, recognising that legislative reform is needed to fully realise their ambitions but the timetable for change is far from clear or certain.

GDC Executive Director, Stefan Czerniawski, said:

"After the shock of the pandemic and in a rapidly changing environment, we have taken this opportunity to review our aims and objectives and to make sure that our strategic direction remains the right one for the next three years. Our priority is to continue focusing on ensuring dental professionals on our registers reach and maintain the highest standards, but to be ready to intervene where those standards are not met."

Inflationary risks are increasing costs and fees

Current inflation means GDC costs have increased, and the signs are that high inflation will continue. So GDC have detailed the approach they will take to manage that risk. They expect fees to be higher than the levels set in 2019, to around £730 (7%) for dentists and around £120 (5%) for dental care professionals in 2023.

These are GDC current best estimates of the level at which fees will be set, and the actual level will be set in relation to the final expenditure plan, following this consultation.

If inflation continues to be high, GDC will do everything thee can to keep their costs down, but they may have to increase their fees again in subsequent years. They have set out the reasons for this and detailed their approach, including a commitment to limit any increase to the rate of inflation, at most, unless there are other exceptional circumstances.

Help shape GDC strategic plans

GDC consultation provides you with an opportunity to help shape GDC strategic plans for the next three years. It is now open and will close in nine weeks on midnight, Tuesday 6 September.

GDC look forward to hearing your views.

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