Guidance on staff and student self-isolation and return to work
By DTA | 18th August 2021 | News
An update from Sara Hurley and Ed Waller
The NHS has issued guidance around the expectation of staff isolation post 16th August, this applies to contractor groups such as NHS primary care dental teams.
Subject to safeguards, fully vaccinated staff and students who are identified as a contact of a positive COVID-19 case will no longer be expected to isolate and will be expected to return to work.
However, if the safeguards cannot be met, or if the staff member has not had both doses of the vaccine, or they are living directly (same household) with a positive COVID-19 case, they will be asked not to come to work. This will remain under review.
There may be times when it is appropriate for the staff living with a positive COVID-19 case to return to work, in line with government guidance, in a risk-assessed way, but this should be through a process agreed with an appropriate senior decision maker (for example your Director of Public Health).
Please read this letter to understand the detail and if you have any questions please contact your commissioner.