Making sure you are on track with your CPD
By DTA | 27th June 2022 | News
The annual renewal period for dental care professionals opened on 13 June 2022. One of the requirements is to make a compliant CPD statement by the 28 August deadline. Last year around 3,000 (4.5%) dental care professionals did not manage to complete this step on time (for reasons unrelated to COVID-19).
The GDC have looked into why compliance levels appear to be worsening and found a need to improve understanding of the basic requirements of the Enhanced CPD scheme. They have asked that we get in touch today to ask for your support in our efforts to boost CPD compliance because:
• Failing to meet requirements can put GDC registration at risk.
• Receiving a notice of removal can be stressful.
• Restoration takes time and includes submitting a full CPD record.
• Significant numbers of dental care professionals are doing enough CPD but not submitting their CPD statement in time.
• Understanding the need to do 10 hours of CPD in every two year period continues to be lower than expected.
• Keeping skills up to date is something patients expect.
• CPD plays a vital role in patient safety and public confidence and is key to our preventative approach to regulation.
The GDC have made their CPD guidance clearer and Simpler , to help you with your CPD.
key messaging
1. Make sure you know how much CPD you need to do:
• at least 10 hours of CPD in every two-year period
• the minimum number of CPD hours across your five-year cycle for your dental professional title (the higher number for those with multiple titles).
2. Make sure you know the key CPD dates and deadlines:
• the CPD year for dental care professionals is 1 August to 31 July
• you then have four weeks to make your CPD statement by 28 August
• CPD done after 1 August counts towards the following year.
3. Use your personal development plan to make best use of your time:
• Ensure your learning is tailored to your skills and development goals.
• Plan activities that meet the minimum CPD hour requirements.
• Source quality CPD that's right for you and your needs.
Call to action:
Check your CPD hours now to make sure you're on track.
• Around 3,000 (4.5%) of dental care professionals did not meet the requirements by the 28 August deadline in 2021.
• The vast majority of dental care professionals are meeting their professional responsibilities. However, the number of those not meeting the minimum CPD requirements has increased, and is now higher than when the Enhanced CPD scheme was first launched .
• If you don't complete your CPD you could lose your registration and your ability to practise dentistry in the UK.
• Don't let yourself or your dental team down, get your CPD done and submitted on time. Do this by logging into your eGDC account.
• Login to your eGDC account to find out how much CPD you need to do.
• Get in touch with the GDC if you don't understand what you need to do.