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National Smile Month

By DTA | 4th May 2021 | News

National Smile Month is a charity campaign which promotes the importance of good oral health and the value of a healthy smile. Between 17 May and 17 June, the Oral Health Foundation will be raising awareness of important health issues and ready to put a smile on everybody's face.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of these important facts (and many more) ...

8337 new cases of mouth cancer a year

1 in 7 adults suffer from extreme dental anxiety

39% of adults do not attend a dentist regularly

25% of adults don't brush twice a day

3.5 million people live with oral pain

74% of all adults have had a tooth extracted

Key messages for great oral health

During National Smile Month we are promoting four key messages for better oral health:

  • Brush your teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and at one other time during the day, with a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Use mouthwash and clean between your teeth with interdental brushes or floss every day.
  • Cut down on how much sugar you have and how often you have it.

No matter how you decide to support the campaign, please make sure you help us communicate these important messages.

You can find more information on the National Smile Month website.

There are free downloads  available too! These include posters, social media posts and digital guides: with lots of hints and tips you can share to help highlight and improve oral health.

As a self-funded charity we they rely on your support so if you would like to browse and buy items, including posters, bunting, smileys, face masks and toothbrushes please visit their campaign shop .

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