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NHS Supply Chain - Questionnaire

By DTA | 21st June 2022 | Blog

Natalia Shchaveleva of the NHS Supply Chain has asked for assistance with a re-tendering project.

"My name is Natalia, and I work for NHS Supply Chain as a category manager for Dental.

As a background information, NHS Supply Chain have a National Framework agreement for Dental products and services for the NHS customer. We are starting to scope the market for future re-tender in aim to better understand the customer needs and ensure our new agreement is more suited to the direction of travel of the market. Clinical engagement was always something that we were lacking in tender development so before it is taken out to the market I would really appreciate getting opinions from dental representatives on whether the direction and scope we are moving to is the most appropriate.

I understand how busy it can get within a clinical environment, and there is no intention from me to take up a lot of your time. I have prepared a set of questions about the dental market which you can review in the attached document. My ask is, would you either be able to spare an hour of your time to have virtual meeting and/or would you be able to fill out this questionnaire and return it to me at your earliest convenience? I don't anticipate it taking longer than 20 minutes to fill out.

Please feel free to forward the questionnaire to those of your members who work for NHS Trusts, hospitals, community services, etc to obtain wider input.

Thank you."

Complete the questionnaire 

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