Revised NHS England’s standard operating procedure (SOP)
By DTA | 26th November 2021 | News
Bulletin and Webinar
The Chief Dental Officer, Sara Hurley, and, NHS England Director of Primary Care, Ed Waller, have issued an update to the dental profession regarding the updated Standard Operating Procedure which was published yesterday in light of changes to Infection Prevention and Control guidance. The bulletin can be read online here.
The bulletin contains a summary of the changes and also registration details for the Chief Dental Officer Webinar on the latest IPC guidance and SOP changes 19.00 Wednesday 1st December.
This event is for all dental care professionals and practice team members. It will cover what the changes mean for the delivery of primary care dentistry.
Transition to Recovery - Standard Operating Procedure for NHS Dentistry
Sara Hurley and Ed Waller have also issued the updated Standard Operating Procedure - Transition to recovery, published in light of changes to Infection Prevention and Control guidance.
A PDF copy has been added to the NHS England and Improvement website and can be read here.