Roadmap out of the current lockdown
By DTA | 23rd February 2021 | News
The government has published the 'COVID-19 Response - Spring 2021' setting out the roadmap out of the current lockdown for England. This explains how the restrictions included in this guidance will be lifted over time.
England is still in a national lockdown. You must stay at home, leaving only where permitted by law, and follow the rules in this guidance.
The four steps will be measured against four key tests, which are:
- The vaccine deployment programme continues successfully
- The assessment of the risks is not fundamentally changed by new variants of concern.
- Infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS
- Evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated
Step 1 (part one) - March 8
All schools and colleges will reopen, as well as after school clubs- One plus one recreation will be allowed; for example, people will be permitted to meet one other person from outside their household to socialise- Care home residents will be allowed one named visitor to attend regularly - Stay at home order will remain
Step 1 (part two) - March 27, at the earliest
Rule of six to return for outdoor meetings, including private gardens as will two household rule. - Outdoor sports facilities to reopen- Stay at home order to end
Step 2 - No earlier than April 12
Non-essential retail and personal care such as hairdressers to reopen- Public buildings such as museums and libraries will return- Indoor leisure facilities such as gyms will reopen- Outdoor hospitality will reopen but customers must be seated- No requirement for a substantial meal to purchase alcohol and no curfews on opening times- Self-contained holidays within the UK to be allowed- Funerals allowed up to 30 guests, while wakes, weddings and receptions will be allowed 15 - Outdoor attractions such as zoos, theme parks and drive in cinemas
Step 3 - May 17 at the earliest
Most restrictions on outdoor socialising to be removed; no more rule of six- Gatherings of more than 30 will still be illegal- Indoor mixing to be allowed with rule of six or two households- Indoor hospitality can reopen with same restrictions- Weddings will be allowed with up to 30 people- Large events can resume with spectators, though there will be restrictions;- Indoor events will be allowed up to 1,000 spectators or 50% of capacity, whichever is lowest- Outdoor events will be allowed up to 4,000 or 50% of capacity, whichever is lowest- Outdoor seated events, such as football matches, will be allowed 10,000 fans or 25% of capacity, whichever is lowest
Step 4 - No sooner than June 21
All limits on social contact, such as rule of six, to be removed for both indoor and outdoor settings- Rest of society to reopen, such as nightclubs and other businesses which did not reopen following first lockdown- Social distancing will remain in place until Step 4, with a review taking place ahead of that date looking at how the advice can be removed