Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh - DCP Study Day
By DTA | 6th April 2021 | News
This full day session is designed to update DCPs in some of the GDC highly recommended topics. The topics discussed will be in workshop and lecture format. This course aims to provide DCPs with current guidance and legislation requirements for a number of their CORE topics with the GDC.
DCP Study Day
A full day session to update DCPs in some of the GDC highly recommended topics. Topics discussed in this lecture and workshop format include: Ethics and Complaints, Infection Control, Dental Radiography.
6 CPD points available
Course Format
Group lectures and workshops.
Course Objectives
This course aims to provide DCPs with current guidance and legislation requirements for a number of their CORE topics with the GDC.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the principals of Health & Safety including Risk Assessments. List actions to improve health, safety and wellbeing of self and others. Describe accident reporting requirements in line with legislation.
- Consider personal and professional responsibilities. Discuss how GDC registration affects clinical and personal activity. Understand the importance of indemnity & discuss GDC Fitness to Practice.
- Discuss current Legislation IR(ME)R 2017 and IRR 2017. Define radiation protection in dental environments.
- Describe the purpose of maintaining water lines and preventing legionella. Discuss diseases relevant to dentistry. Describe the Chain of Infection and understand the transmission of various infections.
- Recognise signs and symptoms for a variety of medical conditions. Describe
storage and use of medical drugs following Resuscitation Council (UK) guidelines.
Costs begin from £45.
Course Directors
Julia Armstrong
Geraldine Birks