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Share your knowledge

By DTA | 5th May 2023 | News

The editor of The Technologist and Articulate calls out to members to share what they know. Have you got a technique that saves time, resolves complex issues, and  could benefit your dental technology colleagues? Please, send us your technique and case studies - complete with good quality images - in a step-by-step process,  which might be published in a future issue of The Technologist. 

He says: "As all our contributors know we are not looking for the next Pulitzer prize winner. You are skilled technologists who can share what you know with your peers, and also help them earn some of that all-important CPD. We can work with you to turn your bullet-pointed processes into a detailed, informative article. Why not  get in touch and you could see your name in print."

If you are interested, then please drop us an email to Our editor is always willing to support new writers and you can share your own knowledge to  help support, educate and entertain our profession.

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