Supporting the dental team - a guide for managers and employers
By DTA | 19th April 2021 | News
The GDC have developed the guide in collaboration with their stakeholders to support employers, managers, and contractors of dental professionals in building and sustaining a well-trained, motivated and competent dental team to deliver high quality care to patients.
The guide provides a wide range of information and advice that will assist employers and managers to support dental professionals in understanding and meeting their regulatory responsibilities, professional development, their well-being, and dealing with feedback and concerns; all of which will lead to better patient outcomes.
Employers and managers of dental professionals, who may not be registrants, play a significant role in ensuring patients receive high standards of service and care. There is much good work already being done across various kinds of practices, including corporate bodies to ensure this. The guide seeks to complement this work and other existing resources available to employers and managers of dental professionals. The GDC encourage members of the dental team to share the guide with managers and employers, especially with colleagues who are not GDC registrants.