UDAs bulletin from Chief Dental Officer England
By DTA | 30th March 2021 | News
NHS England has informed dental practices of the contractual arrangements over the next six months which includes an increase in UDAs as the NHS restores patient access back to pre-pandemic levels:
It is hard for dental teams to plan ahead with only three months' notice. For this reason, we confirm today arrangements we expect to last for the first six months of 2021/22. We will monitor the impact of these new arrangements.
Contracts will continue to be in place for 100% of normal volumes, and our expectation is that all NHS funded capacity is used to deliver the maximum possible volume of safe care for patients. In recognition of the ongoing constraints to practice capacity due to COVID-19 there will be ongoing contractual protection for practices unable to deliver normal contracted activity for the first six months of 2021/22. During this period clawback will not be applied to practices delivering at least 60% of contracted UDAs and 80%2 of contracted UOAs (Units of Orthodontic Activity). The rate of clawback will then reduce linearly down to the existing lower threshold of 36%.
The letter can be found online here and you can also read the full bulletin.