Write for the DTA
By DTA | 4th June 2021 | News
Got a process that you're proud of?
Have you got a technique that could benefit the dental technology profession? Do you want to share it with dental technicians across the UK?
Why not send us your technique and images in a step-by-step process and it might be published in the next The Technologist! We know that writing an article can be nerve racking that's why we ask for a step-by-step process, bullet point will do! We also openly invite articles too! Our editor will be your wordsmith working to ensure we turn your bullet point into a detail, informational article for all to enjoy and benefit from.
At the Dental Technologists Association, we have created a step-by-step guide for taking the fear out of publishing. Once your article has been published we will send you a PDF that can be incorporated onto your website to showcase your work to potential and existing clients.
The DTA editorial team are always on hand if you have any questions or difficulties. We will gladly guide you through each step of the process to publishing your article and we will even pay you for your efforts.
If you want to enhance the dental technology community, raise your own personal and business profile and credentials, and get paid for the privilege, then watch our step-by step guide, express your desire to get published and we'll get in touch to help.
For more information watch our tutorial guide: publishing your work
Email us your process and images to info@dta-uk.org today!