Write your peers a case study
By DTA | 29th July 2022 | Blog
Fancy yourself as a writer? Have you any ideas and opinions you want to share with your peers? Or perhaps you are shy about your writing skills but have a cast iron technical process or technique you are proud of? Have you been involved in a restoration case that demonstrates your ceramist skills at the highest level? What makes you proud about your craft, what trade secrets are you willing to share with your fellow technologists? We'd like to hear from you.
We're not looking for the next J K Rowling but for honestly written and complete step-by-step processes such as those written by new Fellow Jo Stevenson. Our editorial team will work with you to refine your words and present your article in the best possible light - and the successful writers will be published in the next available issue of The Technologist.
We look forward to working closely with you, so, why not send us your ideas, either as a written article or even as a bullet-pointed information list with images? Take a look at this issue's offering presented by technologist Francis Cassidy to see what can be done and how good it looks.
● Send any text and images to derek.the.ed@gmail.com or info@dta-uk.org today - and look forward to seeing your words in print!
● Any DTA members who would like to get more involved with their association can email: info@dta-uk.org.